Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Doughman (2 tamales + 2.9 miles + 1 Locopop)

Since this is an unconventional race, I'm going to do an unconventional race report...

10 things I learned from my Doughman experience:

1. I can make a perfectly acceptable black studded choker out of ribbon, stickers, and self-adhesive Velcro. And even better: I can make four of them in less than an hour.

2. I can run in fishnet stockings.

3. Pink eye shadow and pink hair highlights rock my socks.

4. I love Durham even more than I thought I did. Great Durham moments of the day included: When I ran past a family walking down the sidewalk on Morgan Street, I heard the dad say to his daughter, “Well, this is Durham; you have to expect anything.” Later, a lady walked up to me at the finish area and asked me what was going on. I explained the race, and she replied, “Oh, OK, I knew this wasn’t your average farmer’s market.”

5. I love the people of Bull City Running Company and the Bull City Track Club even more than I thought I did (and it was already a lot). Great BCRC/BCTC moments of the day are too numerous to list.

6. I can eat “like a boss,” and apparently my teammates can as well (special thanks to Kim Chapman-Page for this new phrasal addition to my lexicon).

7. There is a beautiful comic irony in the need to shout “don’t eat the leaves” at a bunch of people eating vegan food (the “leaves” were tamale wrappers).

8. Mushroom and kale tamales, while delicious, are not the best pre-run food.

9. Fruity Locopops might actually the best post-run food.

10. (Last but not least) I would have likely fallen apart (or tossed my cookies) on this run were it not for the companionship and encouragement of the amazing Jen Dixon (thanks, g).

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